Hyposalinity Question

How slowly should I drop the SG? Also will this effect the correline Algae or the biological filtration (Bacteria)?


Active Member
I've been told that you can do it in as little as 1 day, but most do it over a period of about 2. There shouldn't be any effect on the biological filtration. Not sure about coraline, but I wouldn't think that the coraline would be affected. Also be sure that you have no inverts, or corals in the tank. Shrimp, crabs, snails, etc. Most people do this in a q-tank so that there inverts and other livestock will not be affected.


will not affect u biological filteration u should do the drop gradually over a 48 hr period and keep it there for 3-4 weeks if everything looks fine after that then gradually bring it back up over a period of 4-5 days u should do this in a hospital tank no live rock corals etc, plain tank with some pvc piping for hiding spots, also u should do this with a refractometer if u have it since it is the most acurate if that is not avaible next best would be a glass floating hydrometer,
do a search on hypo u will find tons of info on this written by beth and terry the 2 moderators that help out alot in the disease forum
Coolness, then it starts tonight, all the inverts (brittle Star and crabs) have been moved to a quarintine. Im gonna treat the main tank. ICH GOIN DOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN


Active Member
You are doing hypo in the main tank? If there is any LR and/or LS that is not the best idea. If there is, the main tank just has to remain fishless for 4-5 weeks and the parasite cant survive. The inverts do not carry the ich and LR and LS wont either. If you have any fish left IMO I would put them in the QT and hypo there. As stated by Almarktool. Hopefully you have no LR, LS or corals.