Hyposalinity question


Sorry to be a bother. I've been reading posts about hypsalinity on this board, and in one post it said to lower the salinity to 1.009 over the course of about two days? Well, if the fish aren't in the tank yet, do you still have to do that? I thought I would get the tank levels under control before I moved the fish. Also, does the tank have to already be cycled, or would pouring some display tank water in there be fine. I don't know how to obtain cultured medium.. no idea. Thanks for the help!


All right, sorry about posting that question! I had a momentary lapse of judgement. Of course you can't swith the fish from a normal level of salinity, to an extremely lower one! Jeesh, that was stupid. But I still need my other question about the cycled tank answered. Also, if there are no more fish in the display tank, will the Ich live on the inverts, like the urchin and snails? Just curious, thanks!


Staff member
You can definately use main tank water. In fact, if you are just setting up the hospital and the water quality of your display tank is good, I would use 100% display tank water for the hospital, then just add freshly mixed water to the display to compensate for the water loss.