hyposalinity question


New Member
About a month ago I had a outbreak of ich. I think it was marine velvet. It started with a domino damsel, who died rapidly. Then it spread to my orange tail damsel. At this point i dropped the salinity of my tank to about 1.015. The orange tail showed instant improvement, but then again began to show symptoms about a week later. I left the tank at 1.015 for about 3 weeks and still the damsel was showing symptoms. Also in this time period my yellow tang started showing symptoms, particularly rapid respiration. Through this time period of showing symptoms the fish have been very active and eating alot. At this point I lowered my salinity to 1.010 and still had the same result, then just recently I discovered that the salinity must be at 1.009 to work. Also, for the last 2 weeks i been dosing the tank with threraputic levels of copper sulfate (at .15). Since I started treatment with copper and very low salinity scrathing has been less freuqent, but rapid respiration has continued. My water parameter are excellent so i have 3 questions. How can the fish go such a long time with these symptoms and not have the parasite proliferate enough to hurt them? Can the hyposalinity cause the fish to respirate at a above normal rate? And is 1.009 the definitive level that will eradicate this pest? I have already been told two different numbers(1.015) (1.010). If someone knows the answeres to my questions I would really appreciate it Thanks :)