I also just noticed Ich, and I'm ready to give this up? Boy am I frustrated.........


55 gallon. 70 pounds LR, LS. 2 Penguin 330s, Skimmer not hooked up yet.
Tank up for 3 months now. Usual cast of characters, crabs, snails etc.
Feathers Dusters, Ricordia, Star Polyps, Mushrooms, Xenia's
Fish: 6 Line Wrasse, Yellow Tang, Sepae Clown, Coral Beauty, Bi Color Blenny
Water Parameters perfect:
All fish put in hospital tank prior to introducing to main tank for 10 days to two weeks, then bag holding fish held to light to check for any possible signs of anything.
2 days ago I noticed small white spots on Coral Beauty, Tang probably has a few also, but a hard to see. Other 3 fish are clean.
Would it be possible to do a RO water dip with a little Ich solution for a couple of minutes? I will have a hell of a time catching the fish, they will hide and be impossible to catch.
Anything I can do to treat water that won't harm inverts? This is so frustrating.......................


Active Member
You could always try a reef safe medicine but usually they don't work. Also I think the minimum QT time is 3 weeks.


Active Member
Yes minimum time for QT is 3 weeks. so 10 days = no good.
there are reef safe ich things but they sometimes work but often dont. if you perform hypo on all new incoming fish, ich will not get into your tank. period.
Some people do freshwater dips (Kipass4130) but most (Terry) advise against it, i havent tried it but im trying Hypo now for first time and all seems well and relatively stress free.
Beth or Terry will jump on this thread and help you i am sure,


Staff member
Don't give up. Get a QT. This is just as important as any other piece of equiptment that you get. Minimally 3 weeks in QT. However, if fish is anything less than perfectly healthy during that time, the the timeframe is extended. 3 wks of healthy fish status.


Active Member
LOL man i cant wait until Beth (The QT Queen) reads this!
I have to disagree with you on some parts. Although yes garlic does help, it is more likea vitamin addition to the diet, and fish go mad for it, its like catnip for fish! :D
Im glad you have never had Ich in 15 years, but reality is most people do. Not every store out there is reputable and it often takes something like Ich to find out that its not reputable.
Im sure If i were a fish I would far prefer to be scooped out a little and placed somewhere if it saved my life? yes ideally you wouldnt want to, but sometimes we have to make choices like that.
For example, I just had a dose of flatworm that i sucessfully got rid of, but released a toxin and hence stressed my fish and some mild Ich. How would you deal with that? QT I can see is the only option with Osmotic Shock Therapy.
I can see you are very quick to condemn QT's, so what would you do instead Mr jboothiv? :)
All the best,


Active Member
Hi jboothiv,
Well Im on different time zones so I was a bit disappointed I had to wait until now (9am my time probably 2-3am yours!) to see replies!
As terry rightly pointed out, this is a discussion board and everyone's view is welcome! If I wanted to say "the best way to treat Ich is to put the fish in a washing machine" I can. However, it only becomes a bit dangerous when you recommend it to other people.
Yes I have been unlucky, Ive had diatoms, flatworm, apstasia, but I think (as most people now understand who know me) you have to realise that here in England, Marines are no-where near as well understood/provided for as the US. I thank god Ive found this website, I would have chucked this hobby in otherwise. I had a year of terrible advice but over the past few months (remember I am a student at university!) I have invested in QT, RO/DI system, 3 powerheads, 2 backup systems of rubbermaids with heaters/powerheads. Bare in mind here in UK an RO/DI costs $500 (needless to say I shipped one from a US website 3000 miles and it still cost me $300 less than if I bought it 10 miles away!!).
But I certainly feel I am getting somewhere now and I have to keep positive because the reward when it works will be fantastic. I must thank Beth and Terry as well because if it wasnt for them I know a lot of us would be in trouble :)
I have to agree with Terry, every book ive read recommends QT.
Yes a lot of people do regurgitate advice, sometimes I do, but that is only advice from Beth/Terry to maybe help someone who needs advice sooner rather than later, and I always say to seek advice from them too first :D
Anyway all the best and welcome to the board,


Active Member
Terry B, beautiful post......do you ever go into the mod forum?:D :D I almost forget you are here sometimes. :D I frequent several of the largest boards, and I am quite pleased to say we at SWF.com EASILY have one of the best disease forums anywhere available online......I don't even get over to this forum much, but it's nice to know people with real knowledge are over here helping our members in need.


Staff member
Hello, jboothiv. Glad to have you spark an interesting conversation here in the Disease Forum. Thanks, too, all, for the kind remarks and backing. I should say, however, that I do not work in an aquarium. Ophiura, another mod here, does work in an aquarium and made that statement here recently. I am just a hobbyist, a marine aquarist. I began the marine hobby in 1988, after having been in the FW hobby for about 8 yrs before that. Most of what I know, and have learned has come “from the school of hard knocks”, including what I know and have experienced about fish disease. There is no question in my mind that people should QT their fish…I have learned this because there was a time that I did not. What a difference between then and now in terms of fish mortality, and tank health. I’ve been moding the disease forum here at SWF.com just about since the BB’s inception and have seen hundreds of people with sick fish and the devastating results of not quarantining---both to fish as well as their tanks. It is this that strongly motivates me to advocate for sound practices in the care and treatment of fish. I am no expert and have never said that I am. Terry, however is, and I have learned a great deal from him.
You have been extremely lucky, as has a few others, with your fish. However, you have to admit that this is not the norm for most hobbyists, particularly new people just starting out. It is with this in mind that I have to emphasize that “lucky” hobbyists such as yourself should take care that they do not encourage other hobbyists to do less than they should do in the care of their fish and tanks.


Active Member
LOL the most important rule in this forum is :
your tank, your choice.
When Beth or Terry or anyone recommends a QT, it doesnt mean we have to run out and get one! These are all opinions and as we say here in England, there is more than one way to skin a chicken! However, there are easier, quicker and better ways than others.
You must be doing something right and all power to you, i am jealous!
Best Wishes,