I am a total newb. please help.



So I have always wanted to start a SW tank, mostly a small 8-12g but I cant really afford a $150 to $200 tank. I have seen some people use the Eclipse tanks. Is this possible stock or do I need to modify the lighting and filtration? I dont really want fish just coral. Any advice is appreciated.


Active Member
IMO no its not, the lighting is nowhere near what you will need for corals. It would benifit you more to get it and set it up as a fish only tank. Out of pocket expense would be minimal


Active Member
Lighting is very expensive, also water quaility has to be good for coral.
With that budget it is still very achievable, but your going to be looking through classifieds for some used lighting and equip.
-Good luck


Active Member
I surfed and lurked on these forums for three years before I got a tank. I was like you, only wanted to spend $200-$300 and didn't really have that to spend on a tank. There is no point doing it halfway because you'll just be unhappy with the tank and you'll have to cut corners that may cost you the health of your creatures. Save your money, keep reading, researching, and learning, and take the plunge when you have enough money to really do things right.


Well thanks for the advice. With a baby on the way I might not want to invest to much into another hobbie. I may just do a small tank with a fish or 2 and some inverts.


Active Member
if i were you, i would go down to the pet store and pick up:
a 10gal glass aquarium-$10+-
2 aquaclear 20's- $35 (these are hang-on-back filters and should be more than enough for your tank)
thermometer- $1-$3
10-20lbs of live sand- $20
10lbs of live rock- $50-60
Heater(i dono how many watts, i forget)- $15-20
light timer-$5-10
lights-im not the expert but i would say dont spend more than $80... can an expert on the subject chime in for me?
Testing kits- $50
well thats all i can think of, that should get you started. if i forgot anything, let me know. by my calculations, all that stuff costs about $280 and if you get some deals on stuff, you could get it for less. this is an expensive hobby, and i would guess you will be 300+ in the hole before you got your first fish or invert in the tank. hope this helps


That doesnt sound bad at all. I was afraid it was gonna be in the $500 range when everything was said and done. Thanks for all the help.


if you can scrounge a bit more a biocube is a good start, i have a 29, but you can get an 8 (i think) or a 14 and should be pretty cheap.........................................................but....then comes upkeep and trips to LFS to "browse" and then you leave with 3 bags of stuff....come on we all know it


I spent about $150 on mine so far besides live stock and i already had most everything. but the skimmer i had was crap and the hang on back was crap too. so i traided it in on a canister and then i built my Metal Halides for $90, could have been cheaper though about $ 65-70. if your going to get a 10 the 15 talls are almost the same price. but the 29g nano cube are cool thats what i would have got if i didn't have the tank and filtration I THOUGHT i was going to use.