I am adding a new fish and need help!


New Member
I have a 75 gallon fish tank with two clownfish, flame angel, cleaner shrimp, and a gold rim tang. When i first added my flame angel my gold rim attacked the angel until the next day. My gold rim is about 4 inches big. I want to add a atlantic blue tang which is like 3 inches long that i really liked and was wondering what methods can i use to prevent fighting among themselves. I am guessing that tangs are territorial, will they fight against each other? Thanks!


Active Member
Just my opinion but adding another tang to this sound like a bit much.
There is no real way to stop a fish from fighing with another if it wants to. Tangs of different shape usually get along better with each other than tangs of the same shape. Like a yellow tang and blue hippo would be a better match than a yellow tang and sailfin.
The only other way is to introduce them at the same time or rearrange all your rock work.
Well to answer your question....anytime I had a fish I turn all lights out for the day and drip acclimate the new addition. This will help stress and other fish from stressing it too much hopefully.
Now you have to establish if the fish are even compatible before getting to this step. These fish are very similar in body shape which most likely will cause problems. Sometimes it can be done when they are added together, but unless you have a huge tank this prolly will cause some serious aggression with your established tank and he will pick on and kill the new one.
Also two tangs in a 75 is way pushing it. JMO hope this helps.