i am confused!

jenna rienne

New Member
I posted a message last night - half of my fish were covered in white spots(like salt grains), and half had zero spots. This morning, the coral beauty was spotless also, and the butterflies had very few - the hippo tang still looks bad, and he's really scratching. What the crap should I do? (Keep in mind I have inverts/coral/lr/ls that I don't want to lose.) PLEASE HELP!! :(

kris walker

Active Member
Hi Jenna,
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think there was a lot of info just posted about this which will answer your question. I would also check the disease board under "greenex" (this is not a recommended treatment by me).

jenna rienne

New Member
Thanks for pointing that out, but believe me, I know! I was online for hours trying to figure out what to do. There are so many conflicting opinions, it's hard to tell who REALLY knows what they are talking about. What I was asking earlier is, does this still sound like ich or is it something else? The only one with spots right now is the tang. If I can avoid moving all these fish and treating them, I'd rather not. I have heard that nothing works but copper, but I have animals who are supposedly sensitive to copper: clownfish, gobies, snowflake eel(plus inverts/anemones/brain coral). So, say I take out only the infected fish to treat - when I put them back will they be reinfected? I was at my lfs today and was told to do this: take the fish who had spots (including coral beauty), put them in hospital tank with 0.05ppm copper (not 0.15)for 5 or 6 days. What happened to 3 wks? Then he said to put Marine-Max(probiotic and life maximizer with anti-oxidants)in the normal tank to prevent it from returning. Does this make sense(he seemed insistent)? I'm also wondering if the hosp. tank(20 gal) is okay - I just set it up quickly last night with 1/3 tank water, and 2/3 RO water(it's not completely full)- if temp. is the same is it okay to put them in(only thing up was ammonia at .25)?