I am doing it..


I am choose to keep the 150 i bought and make it a predetor tank. I would like a eel, i have a huma huma, and would like to get a couple other fish. What would be good options? The 150 is 72" x 18" x 30". I belive for the eel i would like the jeweled moray. Is this a good choice for this tank? i would also like a angel if possible. let me know what you think i should put in there.


Active Member
well you have alot of options.. the jeweled moray should be fine if you get him small but i beleive they do get pretty darn large.. you can get a tang as well


Yeah a tang i was dreaming about that last night. I have never had one before do to space limitaions.
But know i could probably have three maybe you think?