I am getting a 14G Biocube this weekend!!


Active Member
First mod...get the 29 gallon, I wish I did. Go ahead and get a better powerhead like a MaxiJet 900.
Good luck with the purchase.
Anyone else?
Also, what kinds of fish could I put in it and how many?
I was thinking about this:
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Purple Firefish
And one more...what are your suggestions?


Active Member
i have a bc 14 as well.
2 percs, ywg, gramma, and barnacle blenny.
loads of inverts and corals.
only mod i did is dump the cartridge. a bag o' fluval carbon goes on top of my bio balls, and i use marineland blue filter floss as my mechanical.
50w stealth heater goes in chamber 1.
other than that, everything else is stock.
oh, i do a 1gal w/c every 2-3 days.
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i have a bc 14 as well.
2 percs, ywg, gramma, and barnacle blenny.
loads of inverts and corals.
only mod i did is dump the cartridge. a bag o' fluval carbon goes on top of my bio balls, and i use marineland blue filter floss as my mechanical.
50w stealth heater goes in chamber 1.
other than that, everything else is stock.
oh, i do a 1gal w/c every 2-3 days.
I'm assuming ywg is a yellow watchman goby, am I correct?
And have your bioballs created a spike in anything (I heard they create a spike in nitrates)? are they hard to clean?
& thanks so much for a good answer


Active Member
i've never cleaned them.
my 'trates have always been 10. even in my 40g.
ywg- yellow watchman goby.
the only issues i am having is a slight hair algae problem, and on occasion, a red slime.
but i only get the slime if i dont do a water change for a week or so.


Active Member
I got rid of the filter in the first chamber, put a 50w Stealth heater and some small pieces of live rock. Took out the bio-balls in the second chamber, filled it up with small pieces of live rock and a piece of filter floss on the top. And I upgraded the pump to a maxi-jet 900. You could also cut out a piece off the wall to widen the gap where the water flows into the second chamber. This allows water to get the the pump faster if you upgrade the pump. Good luck with your tank!
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i've never cleaned them.
my 'trates have always been 10. even in my 40g.
ywg- yellow watchman goby.
the only issues i am having is a slight hair algae problem, and on occasion, a red slime.
but i only get the slime if i dont do a water change for a week or so.
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I got rid of the filter in the first chamber, put a 50w Stealth heater and some small pieces of live rock. Took out the bio-balls in the second chamber, filled it up with small pieces of live rock and a piece of filter floss on the top. And I upgraded the pump to a maxi-jet 900. You could also cut out a piece off the wall to widen the gap where the water flows into the second chamber. This allows water to get the the pump faster if you upgrade the pump. Good luck with your tank!
thank u


Originally Posted by Charred Salad
Also, if i am moving sand and rock and water from my other tank to it, would I still need to let it cycle?
i'd still wait a week or two and keep your eye out for spikes just as a precaution


nice=P tank i will keep track of ur tank hope u come see how mine is goin=P. like u im limited on money so i saved for 2years lmao and now im goin to let everything take time so i don't spend to much money in a short amount of time. as adding CUC during cycle i kno u can add a couple as they don't produce that much waste. But i will still wait a week to let it cycle a little then add a hermit or 2 at a time.
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
nice=P tank i will keep track of ur tank hope u come see how mine is goin=P. like u im limited on money so i saved for 2years lmao and now im goin to let everything take time so i don't spend to much money in a short amount of time. as adding CUC during cycle i kno u can add a couple as they don't produce that much waste. But i will still wait a week to let it cycle a little then add a hermit or 2 at a time.
alright thanks -- I'll make sure i go by ur thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
nice=P tank i will keep track of ur tank hope u come see how mine is goin=P. like u im limited on money so i saved for 2years lmao and now im goin to let everything take time so i don't spend to much money in a short amount of time. as adding CUC during cycle i kno u can add a couple as they don't produce that much waste. But i will still wait a week to let it cycle a little then add a hermit or 2 at a time.
Don't add a CUC until your ammonia gets back to 0...adding inverts or fish while there is ammonia can cause potential harm. Once ammonia is at zero you can add a fairly good sized CUC at once since they positively impact your bio load. Its fish that you want to add slowly so the bio load can adjust.