I am getting this film in my tank


I am getting this film inside my tank. It is covering the glass and I really do not like it. Is this algae building up? I can wipe it away with my finger but, if it is algae I am just giving my snails something to eat.
I have 10 astrea snails and I was wondering If i need to add more to rid my tank of this film. I have a 55 gallon that is 2 months old. What snails do you all recommend?
Thanks guys


Are you runnig a skimmer and were is the film building up at and does it have a color, and are you done with your cycle. Good Luck


Yea I am running a skimmer, my filter cut out on me the other night(Its a Sandman). I am not sure what time it was but it was in the middle of the night. Then next morning around 11:00 AM I got it back up and running so it is doing fine right now.
I noticed this morning that the film wasn't at thick and I noticed my water wasn't cloudy. DO you think the film will go away?
Also I have had my 55 up for 2 months and the color of the film was like a smokey color.

mr . salty

Active Member
This is most likly just algae buildup.All of us have it,and must clean the inside of the glass periodically.An algae magnet is the best/easiest way to do this...