I am just not understanding this...


I'm not going to call myself stupid yet but I am just not understanding this. Please help! I have been messing with this for days now and can't seem to get it right.
#1. The overflow is rated 600gph. My pump is about 900gph
So, I put a ball valve on the return to solve that. Doesn't seem to be working. Still sucking too much out of sump. Need new lower gph pump???
#2. Replumbed overflow to refugium and made a large holed spraybar with a filter as in pic. Helped...I actually like the slow flow through the filter. However, no matter how little flow goes into that compartment, it still seems to kick sand over the top of the small baffle. I can't put my skimmer anywhere but in that middle copmpartment. Only place it will fit. So, what do I do to get this running properly? So frustrated right now.



Active Member
Maybe you can split the return with a "t" and get flow in another part of the tank, the only thing is I think it may get too week then. Wait and see what others will say.


I actually think I got the flow low enough in there the way I did it. It kind of trickling through the filter, but you could just breathe heavy in there and it kicks up sand. I don't get it.


Active Member
Maybe your flow was ok but the nozel was just pointed in the wrong direction. I know that I have mine pointing at a rock because if I point it towards a wall or at the sand it will kick up sand.


Well I 've had it pointed in the middle coming from a flex hose at first, then replumbed it like this, then at the glass, piled the lr to flow on top of that, set the flow to go into an old overflow box weighted down with lr...nothing worked. Wherever I aim it, it will push the sand down underneath the baffle and into the middle.


Ok...so relieved. Should have paid attention in physics. Would have saved myself days. For anyone who cares, the overflow box was set too high so the level in the DT was too high. And the sand was blocking the lower baffle so that it was creating a sort of suction of the sand up into the midddle chamber. So, no matter how much flow, sand would get blown upward. Lesson learned. :joy:


Didn't lower the level in the box. I used the screws on either side and lowered the box where the level in the DT is now lower, and therefore running properly. My return pump was sucking the sump dry and almost overflowing the DT. Couldn't figure out why. But thiat did the trick.
Finally! Thanks for the help!


Active Member
This is just an opinion but it looks to me like the first baffle out of the return chamber is wrong. The sand is being pushed through the opening in the bottom which is causeing reduced flow and then carrying the sand in to the skimmer chamber. The first baffle shoud be open at the top so the water goes up and over. The second baffle is also to low, this should be a the water line of the sump. If you place the fuge baffle high then you can determine the water level in the fuge where you want.

my way

Active Member
Tim is right, the design of your baffles are forcing the sand through and it is also restricting the waterflow greatly!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
yup your missing a baffle the sand stopping baffle.
I agree coach but shouldn't that baffle determine the fuge height, meaning it should be maybe an 1"-1.5" from the top this way you insure that the fuge will always be full? Then the thrid baffle will determine the sump height which should be lower to allow for backwash area in case of power outage? (maybe 4-5" below top of tank)?


Active Member
if i'm understanding right ..........from right to left he has the far left fuge( line from tank) flowing into sump area....then to return pump....so if he just added that baffle (with proper spacing his flow would be fine.
p.s your not the only mr.mom---lol i'm retired at 25 so
i am too woohoo


Originally Posted by TurningTim
I agree coach but shouldn't that baffle determine the fuge height, meaning it should be maybe an 1"-1.5" from the top this way you insure that the fuge will always be full? Then the thrid baffle will determine the sump height which should be lower to allow for backwash area in case of power outage? (maybe 4-5" below top of tank)?
I think I see what you're saying and I think we are in a power outage situation. I think the owner has turned off the return pump we are seeing it with full backwash. I agree that I think Both baffles from the bottom should be taller to maintain the fuge level higher, rather than just filling above the baffles. The water level in the fuge should be maintained at the level of the first baffle normally, not well above.


Thanks for all the comments guys. Yes, that is actually a poorly designed sump in my opinion but you get what you pay for. I didn't make it. I did however solve the problem by removing the sand that was pushed down underneath the lower baffle. It was creating a kind of suction effect and kicking sand up everywhere. It now merely moves the sand very lightly upward but doesn't push it into the middle chamber. And that pic is with power off as I had been testing it for hours. Thanks again for the copmments!

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
are you asking if this is too high?
If the return pump was a little faster that level would drop, Tim is right in what he is saying about keeping the water level higher in the one chamber with the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
are you asking if this is too high?
No, I think that what is drawn is to low. It should be only an 1"-2" from the top. This would provide a constant water level in the fuge area and the water variations would only happen in the sump area. Right now any water height is showing through the whole sump/refuge tank.
Anyway I'm glad that it is working! If thats with power out you could probably add a little more water to the system.
Coach, Nice to see another Dad doing the stay at home thing! There are a couple of us around here. Hardest job I ever had!

See ya'll round the boards!