I am looking for a site that will show alot of coral pics and there names next to it.


I am new to corals and would like to learn abou them. Is there a site that you guys can recommend that shows alot of coral pics with there names next to it so I can use to identify corals. I have cames across many sites that show coral names and you have to click on the name to see the pic, but I want to see a bunch of pics on the same page with the names next to it so I can like print it out and put it on my wall or in a folder.


Staff member
As long as the site is not a another store, that is fine, but please don't use this BB to share info about another store, ie: email me I'll give you the info. That' sounds to me like just a round about way of using this BB to share info about another store.
Your best bet would be a reference book. The one you will want to take a look at is Julian Sprung's, "Corals A Quick Reference Guide'. This book has pics of just about every coral you'll see in the hobby with info on them. Exactly what you are looking for.
Borneman's book is also excellent, with a lot more detailed info on corals, but it is not as handy, if what you are looking for is an overview or a quick reference.