i am really slow...help me use the refractormeter>>>>>


Active Member
how the heck do i use teh refractormeter from this website? i got it in the mail yesterday....how do i use it for the first time? im so confused? {edit}


Active Member
It will need to be calibrated. Do that by placing a drop of r/o water under the flap and look into a light. Turn the knob to put it on zero. It is now calibrated. Lift the flap, wipe off the r/o water and place a drop of the tank water on the slide close the flap and look into a light.


Active Member
Depending on modelyou have, it may have a small knurled knob or yu may need a small screwdriver to adjust. After placing drop of RO or RODI water on window, andlowering the hinged plastic cover, make sure there is not any bubbles in the water yu have trapped. If it shows bubbles add more rodi to it, and try again. HOld meter up to light source and see where the blue and white portions intersect on the inside scale. Adjust it by looseing u screw or knob and make the blue and white intersection point start at the bottom of the scale or on "0"
Snug down knob or screw. Recheck and readjust if necessary. If its still at Zero, yur good to go, so just wipe off the window and hinged cover, and now add saltwater on the window just like yu did with rodi water. Hold up to light and look and where the two colors meet thats the salinity. ( I stated blue and white colors but I have seen green and white as well as other color combinations, so your really looking for the point the two colors whatever they are meet for the zero poinit or for the SG reading.)


Originally Posted by peckhead
can i use tapwater with a filter on the faucet to calibrate?
use distilled water any store 65 cent a gallon


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
can i use tapwater with a filter on the faucet to calibrate?
You should use the water you will mix the salt with and definately that water SHOULD NOT BE FILTERED TAP. If you start out wrong you will be cursing yourself later. Start right from the get go. R/O is the way to go.


Active Member
i was just asking because i couldnt get to the store today to get more water and wanted to no if that would work. ill just wait til tom.


Active Member
You cant use tap water or RO water. It must be distilled water. You can make enough distilled water to calibrate your refractometer. Place a teakettle full of water on the stove. when the steam starts blowing, place a clean coffee mug or glass over the opening to catch the steam. When the steam condensates back into liquid, it will be distilled water. Allow the water to drip into another clean glass. I say use a coffee mug because the glass can get hot from the steam and the mug has a handle so you wont get burned. You only need a few drops to calibrate the refractometer.