I am setting up another tank and came across a possibly big problem!!


I am transforming my old 20 gallon tank into a saltwater tank. The only problem is i used to have an algae problem with this tank when it was freshwater about 2 months ago. Right now there is still what looks like dried out algae on the glass inside the tank. Will this be a problem when i set the tank up for salt water or will the old freshwater algae die in the saltwater?

cap'n pete

Freshwater and saltwater algea are different species and therefore should not be able to survive. However, I recommend you take a razor blade and get rid of as much algea as you can. Better safe than sorry.


When setting up my sw tank I simply disgarded my old glass tank and bought a new one. I had the leftover algae and didn't want to take the chance. They are cheap considering how much you will be spending on the rest of the sw equipment.


Yes, algae in freshwater tank will actually grow once you switch to saltwater. How do I know? Take a guess. I suggest that you clean the algae very well by using sharp razor (but dont get too close to the silicon seals, for those parts gently scrub with dishwashing scrub pads). Good luck on your new hobby, it's fun and interesting. Keep us posted:)
It will be fine as long as you wash it out good. by the sounds of the other post it is hard. Yes the razor blade will do the trick. but if it is not hard just usr a soft sponge. but dont use any soap or any other cleaning substance. i have learned the hard way LOL hope i help a little.


Active Member
Rockster, i see you live in Brooklyn...I live on long island in nassau county...what is a good fish store nearby for me to goto to start setting up my tank.


New Member
In May of this year I converted an 8 year old 29 gallon freshwater tank to saltwater, just gave the tank a decent cleaning, no problems at all. I have a couple of clown fish, mushrooms, snails, hermit crabs, not one death so far.


HNF2K - be very careful with the stores in our area. Let me know what you want to buy, I'll steer you towards which stores to avoid/patronize. You're better off buying MOST of your stuff online.