I am so bumed!!


I am a litle discouraged (spelling!!), lost a small clown today!I was so proud of myself because i waited 10 weeks to put the first pair of clown in the new tank!!2 years ago went i start my other tank i only waited 4 weeks and i never had any problem! I am so frustrated, it is the first time i lose fish after 4 days without knowing why! Now the one remaining seem lethargic and does'nt swim much or eat!!No symptom of anything!I bought them at a new lfs and they where M.A.C certified so much for that!!!
I am pregnant at home so i look at them an examinated them alot!Cant find anything!All parametre are great!!Not a great start!


10 weeks was to long, It first had to adjust to being extracted from the wild/breeder then the lfs then the first tank it was kept in and now this one so it had adjusted to the other tank and was too stressed and so is this one after the other clown died. So now you might want to feed it live brine shrimp to comfort it and just make it as comfortable as possible.


Active Member
A sad, but cold hard fact is: in this hobby fish do die for no apparent reason. Its happened to about everyone and will probably happen again sometime; please don't beat yourself up! BTW, I assume that 10 weeks was the time the tank was cycling, not the time the fish was in QT.


New Member
Check your nitrites... they keep spiking on me.
Also, I hear percula clowns aren't very hardy and often die.
I got one to replace my sebae awhile back because I thought it would be less aggressive.
The percula swam against the current in the same place for days. Had to be the most boring fish I've ever seen. I would turn the light off with him swimming in one place and turn the light on the next morning and see him swimming in the same place still. He died after 4 days. I think it was from exhaustion. Definitely not the brightest of fish.
My boyfriend makes fun of me for judging a fish's intelligence. I know we are comparing something with an IQ ranging from like .1-5.0 out of 300.
I'd put the percula at .1 and a trigger at 5


The days after i got them ihad a funny feeling,i tought something was not right,my husband told me i was paranoid and was watching them to much.Now the other one as staid in the same corner all days,he is in a 82 gal,so humm....