ya i know it well be a little seeing that my mom and dad are out of town with the good cam... so.. do yall think that my anemone will stop moving around now???
well see i have a pair of nemos like from the movie and the stay in my shrooms so i ask the guy if a pair of skunks would work and he said its a hit or miss so they got in a mated pair and i got both for 44 dollors so i brought them home and put them in the tank next to where the anemone had moved to for the night and this morning they were in it...
ok now that they are in it how do i feed this thing because they do not like when i get close to it and i have been feeding it krill and silversides...
you are so lucky. i had a pair of clowns and only one hosted my sebae...and the one hosting it like "broke up" with the other one and starting picking on him. the one getting picked on died of stress
ya i hope they do good... and i got a question i put a condylactis in a 10 gallon tank and was wonder if 6.5 watt per gallon was enough? its very small and i did not want to put in in my 125 till it got bigger
Originally Posted by MR.reef http:///forum/post/3081501
ya i hope they do good... and i got a question i put a condylactis in a 10 gallon tank and was wonder if 6.5 watt per gallon was enough? its very small and i did not want to put in in my 125 till it got bigger
6.5 watts of what kind of light? T5HO or MH? or PC?
ok well its what i got my little bro for his birthday and i can give a 8 year old something then take it away haha and i dont have the money for new lighing cuz i am still paying off my sunpod on my 125
well i kept an anemone in my 55 gallon with pc lighting for a while, committed suicide in powerhead, and it did great until the whole suicide thing lol
ok well i just found out that when i was gone for a week my mom went to the fish store because she said i need more food which i had just bought two cans of food well she found a sebae anemone that had purple tips and got it because she said it was cute(with out asking me) and to today she said o son did u not see are gift i was like omg well the anemone is under a rock in a cave... is this normal or what do i need to do??