I apologize u guys.


New Member
Earlier today there was a post stating that i flushed all my fish down the toilet. That was my little brother who was online then and was playing around with his best friend and he wrote that post. I would like to assure u that my fish are alive and fine. I do have a question though. My coral banded shrimp lost his leg somehow the other day cause i saw it on the gravel. Well i looked at the shrimp and he has a new leg i guess. Do their legs grow back?


Active Member
MAN O MAN, am i glad to hear that, i was almost getting a bit upset, if i were you, i don't know if i'd wanna kill him or laugh, if i were you, but i guess that all is well, and realistically i guess i can appreciate a good joke, maybe later i'll LOL, but right now i'm more relieved
thaks for getting back


Mabey a new password is in order?? Glad to hear that everything is OK. Oh, it does not stop with siblings either, children are just as bad.. LOL Good luck!


set your screen saver to 1 minute and then password protect it
that way he won't be able to get in ....unless smart enough to reboot the machine.