I bought a Haiwain Blue Puffer


New Member
I bought a blue puffer about a week ago, and this may sound stupid...but will it ever "puff". I have read that it only happens when they're stressed...and does anyone have any pictures of what they look like when they are "puffed"????


I don't know about the HBPuffer but here are some pictures of puffers that are puffed.

And here is one that would be more similar to your puffer than the previous Porcupine picture

I don't own any Puffers but I've read/heard that you shouldn't try to make them puff as it can be harmful to them. They puff when they are stressed or frightened. It is a defense mechanism---if something tries to eat them, they puff up so they are too big to fit into the prey's mouth.
I'm so jealous that you have a new puffer!


Active Member
Blue spot puffers puff by stretching themselves. They don't puff traditionally by filling their bodies with water. They have a more stretchy appearence when they "puff". Like stated, it isn't good to make a puffer puff. It is very stressful to them and is something they cannot control..