i bought a pair of clowns today.


i found a great deal in my state and went and bought some rock, fish, powerheads, a hob canister filter and they threw in a couple corals (frog spawn, a finger leather, i think a few shrooms, etc)
anyways, i bought 2 clowns and a sixline wrasse.
one of the clowns is like, huge.. the biggest ive seen and the other is like 3/5 it size.
they had just noticed some eggs they layed and so im assuming i now have a spawing pair (im not sure what the termonology is for it) of im guessing false percs.
has anyone tried breeding at home with success? if so, about how many fish ended up living on average?
i think id like to try it if they decide to spawn again. any information would be helpful!


Active Member
Originally Posted by heartben
i found a great deal in my state and went and bought some rock, fish, powerheads, a hob canister filter and they threw in a couple corals (frog spawn, a finger leather, i think a few shrooms, etc)
anyways, i bought 2 clowns and a sixline wrasse.
one of the clowns is like, huge.. the biggest ive seen and the other is like 3/5 it size.
they had just noticed some eggs they layed and so im assuming i now have a spawing pair (im not sure what the termonology is for it) of im guessing false percs.
has anyone tried breeding at home with success? if so, about how many fish ended up living on average?
i think id like to try it if they decide to spawn again. any information would be helpful!

Percula and Ocellaris Clowns are the most popular clowns that are being breed in homes today . First you will need to get the following books , "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson and "Plankton Culture Manual" by Hoff and Snell . Second you will need to set up a culture station for both Rotifers and Phytoplankton . You grow the phyto to feed to the Rotifers so they multiply and grow so you can feed the Rotifers to the fry[baby clowns] . Don`t be in a hurry , get your books , cutlture station going and a hatching tank and grow out tanks situated . Clowns typically spawn every 9to 14 days , but some go short or longer in some cases .
How many fish end up living ? The success rate of the eggs will increase as the new parents get used to the ritual . And then it`s all up to you to feed them and change tank water every day . It can take a lot of work and some time out of your day to keep up with the culture stations , transfering eggs , cleaning , changing water , and feeding the babies .