i bought some "test fish" today


i bought two green chromis today to test out my tank.......so how long do i need to keep them before i give them back and get the kind of fish i really want??


Originally Posted by kholla12
If they live then your good to go but good luck getting them out.
well i bought them at like 12:00 and they were hiding behind a rock for a couple hours now there out eating floating stuff....but hey do you think two weeks is long enough????(by the way i wanna have them as little time as possible)


So, is this "fish test" a situation in which you are unable/unwilling to test your water, so you throw in a couple fish and see if they can make it?
And do you think these 2 fish "making it" says ANYTHING about whether coral or other fish will survive/be happy in this tank?


Originally Posted by New2Salt1
So, is this "fish test" a situation in which you are unable/unwilling to test your water, so you throw in a couple fish and see if they can make it?
And do you think these 2 fish "making it" says ANYTHING about whether coral or other fish will survive/be happy in this tank?
oh im sorry i didnt mean "test fish" what i meant was i was at the lfs and i asked the lady aout some dwarf angels(she knows all about my tank)and she said NO!!you cant add a thirty dollar fish first!!you got to add some cheap fish
to help your tank and i was like o.......k.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
oh im sorry i didnt mean "test fish" what i meant was i was at the lfs and i asked the lady aout some dwarf angels(she knows all about my tank)and she said NO!!you cant add a thirty dollar fish first!!you got to add some cheap fish
to help your tank and i was like o.......k.........

Well that was a crock... there are certain fish you cannot add to a system that is new, angel fish are algea grazers so it wouldnt be happy in your tank till its more established. However the only way to really determine if your system is ready for any fish is to test your water perameters. Once your cycle is complete and you have added a clean up crew, you can add a fish of your choice provided you meet its requirements of tank size, reef safe etc etc... The idea of adding a chromis or a damsel IMO was suggested to help you get through your cycle if it was still going on (an unessesary step IMO). You are going to spend more time getting these guys out than it was worth adding them. Once your cycle is complete thats it there is no further "help" it needs. Add your fish accordingly and not all at once and you are on your way.


i dont think you people think i know ANYTHING about saltwater fish..
besides perfectdark was helping me but...
i have a test kit and i test my parameters every other day and there all good(besides the ph is a tad low)it wasnt my idea to get the chromis the lady didnt let me get a word in about if that was the right idea


Active Member
Have you ever had the honor of removing a damsel or chromis from a tank? Good luck. a cocktail shrimp saves so much trouble if you are starting the cylcle. I personally never add anything to my tank that I don't want to keep....just so I don't have to go through the same junk twice.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
How long has your tank been up and running,and what are you water parameters?
my parameters
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 10 ppm
ph 7.9 (buffer has been added since then)
calcium 400
and i already went throught the cycle


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
my tank is already cycled i have no idea why the lady suggested it

Neither do I. If your parameters all test out properly, and you've been ghost feeding for a couple days without seeing any ammonia spike, then you should be ready for any fish that fits in your tank. I wouldn't get cheap fish just to add and remove them a short time later. Also, if this is the 24g Aquapod you had mentioned on another thread, you won't be able to put any dwarf angels in there anyway. Most need a tank that's 50g or larger, though the Cherub pygmy angel can go in a 30g.
Personally, I think you're better asking questions here before going to your LFS, just to be sure you get good, honest opinions. This is another instance where your LFS will be making money from your business; which is what this sounds like, needless spending of money.
Hope that helps some.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Neither do I. If your parameters all test out properly, and you've been ghost feeding for a couple days without seeing any ammonia spike, then you should be ready for any fish that fits in your tank. I wouldn't get cheap fish just to add and remove them a short time later. Also, if this is the 24g Aquapod you had mentioned on another thread, you won't be able to put any dwarf angels in there anyway. Most need a tank that's 50g or larger, though the Cherub pygmy angel can go in a 30g.
Personally, I think you're better asking questions here before going to your LFS, just to be sure you get good, honest opinions. This is another instance where your LFS will be making money from your business; which is what this sounds like, needless spending of money.
Hope that helps some.
wow every thing you said was right on.....last time i went there right before i left the lady said when your tank is ready i just got a new shipment of dwarf angels you could put in there and then i was like whatever
but then i went to another lfs and they had a cherub and i fell in love and was like if that other lfs got in another shipment of dwarfs i might as well go look cause i love the dewarfs now
and then i was like you told us last time you got in another shipment of dwarf angels and i was gonna look at buying one and she was like "no you gotta put something less expensive in there first and test out your tank"and then it went on from there


Active Member
Yea I agree as far as angels are concerned dwarfs will be too large for your tank. I have a pygmy or cherub, your choice angel in mine and even some species of the pygmys can get too large for a 30gal so you need to investigate before you purchase. Mine is a white tail pygmy.. she will do fine in a cube tank.
No harm no foul... you live and learn.. get rid of the chromis anytime you want, your tank is ready for what you want to put into it.