I can't find a dead fish


New Member
I am new to the hobby. I have a 144 gallon tank with approx 250 lbs of live rock. I currently have a blue hippo tang. 3 clowns, two tomato clowns, a pair of sea urchins and a brittle star. I bought a foxface rabbitfish from my lfs last thursday. It seemed fine before I left work for the weekend, but I came in today and can't find it anywhere. I feel sure it is stuck somewhere behind the rock and will be impossible to get to. The guy at the lfs said that it should not make a difference if I cant find it due to the tank size. Is this true?


Active Member
it has probably been eaten in that amount of time, which is a good reason u cant find him :happyfish


Active Member
the fish has only been missing since thursday? why the panic? One of my tanks is a five gallon tank with just a piece of live rock in it I put a little damsel in there didnt see him thought he died didnt feed the tank for three weeks. totally on the level was walking by the tank and saw something dart behind a rock hid quietly and there was that damsel so i started to feed the tank again. so one day is nothing give it time he will come out when he is hungry

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetdawn
the fish has only been missing since thursday? why the panic? One of my tanks is a five gallon tank with just a piece of live rock in it I put a little damsel in there didnt see him thought he died didnt feed the tank for three weeks. totally on the level was walking by the tank and saw something dart behind a rock hid quietly and there was that damsel so i started to feed the tank again. so one day is nothing give it time he will come out when he is hungry
droped jaw :notsure:


Active Member
Nice to see you!
250 pounds of rock. 144 gallons of water. And the FFRF is, I'm guessing, 3 inches?
I hope you get to post that the fish was just busy...That's a bunch of room for a small fish to explore.
How old is your tank?


my LMB died, and i couldn't find him either. Either your fish is dead and already cleaned up, or he's just hiding. There's really no point in trying to dig it out after this much time. He's already done as much damage as he could.


oh yeah WELCOME!!! I for some reason always forget that part...