I.D. Please Brown and Red Stuff?


I am sure this question has been asked and answered many times, so please be patient. I am very new to hobby. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything that looked like the Brown and Red stuff in my tank. Or maybe I am just paranoid and think my Brown and Red stuff is different then everyone's. Anyways, can you guys I.D. the Brown stuff on glass and sand and the Red stuff on the LR? Thanks
Is it good bad or does it matter? I cleaned the glass and moved around the sand, and the BROWN comes back in 1 day
110g Tank
Sump / Bio Balls
External Overflow and Pump
Water Parameters checked 4X since 04/30/09
Readings always as follows:
salinity=1.023 - 1.024
Stock List:
1 Tomato Clown
1 Huma Huma

LR Before RED STUFF (Date 05/27/09)

LR with RED STUFF (Date 06/15/09)


Active Member
Looks like you have diatoms, and cyano. These are common in new tanks. How long has your tank been up.
Do you have any sand sifting snails. I would add some Florida Ceriths and some Nassarius to clean your sand bed. Dont stir it up, just leave it, let the clean up crew take care of it. Just wipe the glass.
How much flow do you have. Do a search on Cyano. Usually caused by lack of flow and over feeding.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Looks like you have diatoms, and cyano. These are common in new tanks. How long has your tank been up.
Do you have any sand sifting snails. I would add some Florida Ceriths and some Nassarius to clean your sand bed. Dont stir it up, just leave it, let the clean up crew take care of it. Just wipe the glass.
How much flow do you have. Do a search on Cyano. Usually caused by lack of flow and over feeding.
I mixed the salt water on 04/11/09. I have no snails or CUC. I plan on getting a couple more Triggers and I hear that they will end up being fish food. Since I can't get snails or any CUC is it ok to stir it up? My flow is kind of weak. I do need Powerheads.


Active Member
what size tank.
I would ask what they use in the aggresive forum. Its not good to keep stiring up your sand though.
If you dont have any powerheads then yes I would add a couple- one on each end pointing at your rock


Active Member
Do you use tap or RO? If you're using tap, the stuff in the sand is there from the silica in the tap water. I have it right now too, and I am doing frequent, small water changes to get rid of the silica in my water. If you keep using tap water, or if you have silica based sand, it'll keep coming back. That's what it reforms when you stir up your sand. You can also run product through your filter to remove the silicates from your water, like chemipure.


Originally Posted by rlablan
Do you use tap or RO? If you're using tap, the stuff in the sand is there from the silica in the tap water. I have it right now too, and I am doing frequent, small water changes to get rid of the silica in my water. If you keep using tap water, or if you have silica based sand, it'll keep coming back. That's what it reforms when you stir up your sand. You can also run product through your filter to remove the silicates from your water, like chemipure.
I have been using Distilled Water for the top off and Saltwater for water changes (10 gallons a week) from the LFS. I recently bought 5 gallons of RO water from the LFS and plan to start using that.


Active Member
That should really help with the sand turning brown and probably help the red stuff, certainly can't hurt to try. I have been having much better luck with the RO, than with the tap. If you can, it would be cheaper to get the water from one of the grocery store machines (if you don't have a home RO setup) but make sure that it is RO and then buy a bulk bucket of salt mix like instant ocean or the like, and mix your own. MUCCCHHH cheaper than buying the RO or pre mixed salt water from the LFS.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by SALAMI TRIGGER
If All Else Fails Use A Dose Of Chemi-clean For The Red Cyano...works Great.
I wouldn't dose any chemicals for cyano, there are simple things to do that will take care of it naturally. one is what T said, you need more flow.