I.D. please. Nudibranch??


New Member
I found 3 of these on a new rock from the LFS, they look like nudibranches. white with fluffy looking snowflakes coming off their backs. the rock had a colt coral on it but it fell off or tore off. are these things eating at it? are they bad to have?
I tried supergluing the colt back on the rock and one of them went straight toward the colt, i found it knocked off again. is there a better way to attach the coral or will it die anyway from tissue damage. thanks for your replys

thanks again for all your replys


Active Member
Yup look like nudi's to me. Pluck them out probably. They are gonna die when whatever they eat is gone anyway.


Active Member
Tritoniopsis frydis, they feed on gorgonians can range in color from white to orange.
or a Tritoniopsis elegans they feed on soft corals.