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im thinking the browning is an indicator that its not getting enough light. im not an anemone expert, and i dont have much experience with them, but browning in corals often means not enough lighting. excess zooxanthellae is being produced to make up for the low lighting in order to keep the coral (or in this case anemone) fed and that gives it a brown look.
8 months is nothing considering some anemones have rediculously long lifespans.
Nope the browning is a good thing and the lack of it is bad. When an anemone bleaches it typically starts at the tenticles and fades out to the food, white is not good. General rule with anemones there is no such thing as a healthy white anemone. Their base color should be any variation of dark brown, to carmel, to brownish pink.. those are all colors indicating a healthy specimine. This color should extend up and into the tenticles with pigmints of what ever color the specific specimine is. EG. Rose BTA, the foot to base should be brown'ish, and the tenticles can be any variation starting with green changing to rose, light pink, even orange.