I did it


After about four months i finally caught the pain in my a@$@# Pistal Shrimp in my tank. I saw him in the rock so i pulled the rock out and I took a syringe with hot water and shot it in the whole he was in. Damn did he come flying out of ther. I have him alive though in a small 10 gallon tank he is pretty cool. I do not know what to do with him now though. I do not want to run a tank for just one small 4" shrimp.


Active Member
a pistol??? what is the problem with a pistol??/, why remove it?
but anyow, do you have a sump or refugium?? if so you could put it in there


I took him out of the tank because he had killed several of my fish. Plus I did not want him in the tank because they can also brake the glass of your tank if they hit it. Good idea i will put him in my sump I never thought of that


Active Member
ok, that was what i was thinking a mantis, they are realy cool, but i agree i would not want one in my main tank either, btw congrats on the eviction, it is not easy to get them out sometimes


Active Member
oh, and if you do not want it, some others do like them and want them for aspecies only tank, just an idea
The dreaded mantis shrimp (shivers). I have not had the "joy" of hunting one of these buggers down yet but knowing my luck I will get a hitchhiker before long from some LR. Congrats on your success :)