I didn't believe my eyes


:) Yesterday another attempt to feed SPIKE, my dwarf lionfish, some frozen krill. As the krill started to sink to the bottom Spike gulped it down. I had to take another look and asked myself if he really did eat it. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I tried another krill but he didn’t take it this time. I’ve been feeding him Rosies and now he ate a krill. Does this mean that he’s ready to feed on prepared food? How would I wean him over?


Active Member
First off, stop feeding him rosies whatsoever. If you still don't trust that he is fully converted to frozen, feed him ghost shrimp or even maybe a few guppies. Rosy reds are not a good idea at all because it could hurt him in the long run. The fact that your lion did not take the second piece is fine. Usually, my volitam gulps down a large piece of krill or prawn and he is done eating. That is how yours may be. You'll have to see what he does the next time you feed him. Feed him another piece of frozen krill and put it in the current so it looks like it is moving and see what your lion does. If he is interested, then that is a good sign. If he is not interested at all, then you may still have put live in the tank every now and then.


Active Member
hmm ive seen a big lionfish eat on of its babies... pretty interesting how fast they can strike and suck it down! i thought i was seeing something. would that poison its stomach since i know there venomous?


Active Member
As your lion develops the feeding habit, this is exactly what he will do, he will nail anything that falls near him. My dwarf lions are so used to me feeding them, they'll hit whatever hits the surface of the water, even medicine tablets. They'll strike at all sorts of prepared foods now.
See if the lion will take the prepared food when you poke it in front of his mouth with a feeding stick. Or toss in some live food such as guppies and while he's gorging on them add a few krills as well.
wocka, in referece to eating its own young, the young lions have not developed their poison enough to where it would kill the mother, so I've read. I've never actually witnessed them as i've never tried breeding my dwarfs.


Active Member
i felt so bad for it. the little baby was just sitting there on the gravel and its mom eyeing it. then all of a sudden PLOP into its mouth and took like 10 seconds to gobble it down. but it was the LFS fault to add a adult lion in a 20g with 10 babies


I’ve tried putting it in front of him but he won’t take it. I guess it’ll just take some time. I’m thinking of not feeding him for a couple of days and then drop in a krill to see if he’ll take it. As for your lions taking food from the surface that’s great. Mine sees them but will not strike it yet. :happyfish


Active Member
U would have to use really small mollies. I thought about that for my little girl, but they are too big. Guppies and/ or ghost shrimp is best idea.