I didn't forsee this coming...


New Member
I think my bicolor pseudo snacked up Dukes, my banded coral.
I scooped up the exo this morning as it must have molted during the night, and it wasn't at its usual place post-molt. I thought it was strange, but couldn't do much about it as I was off to work. So, I got home from work and did a complete sweep of the tank, and it is nowhere to be found. Any of you have any strange experiences like this? These two had gotten along okay, with an occasional "get out of my personal space" threat. Damn. Bums me out.


My Pseudo (actually a form of dottyback) ate my two cleaner shrimp after they had been cleaning him for months.
If I ever catch the bugger, he's going back to the LFS.
I thought he was a blenny when I bought him. That was a lesson for me to resaerch everything before an impulse buy.


New Member
Y'all are exactly right. Can't trust some of the LFS nearby. I was told all would be fine.
It did come to a shock to me that it did take a while before it became late night snack/breakfast. The two had coexisted for like 5 months.
What does scare me is whenever I do purchase a bigger tank with more expensive inhabitants, I'll have to shop more online to know for sure it will be safe instead of being subject to what is available at stores and hoping for the best.
iv never heard of them eating a shrimp but it is wild life so i am shocked but not surprised. did u feed the fish less often brine shrimp, some type of plant food, pellets and so on.