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Those towing companies can be vultures. If someone is illegally parked, then law enforcement should give them a ticket. Now, if it private property, then the owner can call the tow, but towing a car for a parking violation is, in most cases, legally stealing someone's car. Do you need to shoot a gun to kill a fly on the wall? Towing is overkill. If it wasn't a money maker, there would be no towing, so that says it all.
Yea, but the point of it all it still there. Even if tow companies are vultures, everyone should know not to do something if they aren't fit/don't want to see the consequences. I always speed and have been pulled over a couple times. I don't get all teary-eyed and start balling that I don't deserve the ticket. Do I try and get out of it? Sure, I explain why I was speeding, just flowing with traffic, it's a nice clear day out I didn't see the problem, etc. Because honestly, the speed limits are significantly artificially low. And then if the cop still wants to give me a ticket, fine. I have nothing against him, I was speeding.
Since I don't want to deal with towing companies I don't park where it says I'll be towed. Simple as that. It's all fun and games till the fire department can't response quick enough because some self-centered moron parked where they shouldn't and someone's family member is lost because of them.