"I don't need filtration, I have Zebra muscles"


I had to post this. A guy I work with knows that I am into fish keeping. He just came in and asked me if I knew where he could get a 10 gallon tank. This is freshwater but it applies to some of the thinking in our hobby too. Please read on and I'll keep the story short.
He wants to put things he catches in his lake in this tank. Now, remeber this is 10 gallons of water.
He plans to put in a dozen fingerlings, a few bluegill, a couple crappie and a bass or two. Think about for a minute............
I didn't know were to start so I started with filtration. He said he doesn't need any because he was going to put Zebra Muscles and clams in the tank too. Now how do you argue with that?????
A brief history: This guy is a real jerk. A know it all. You can't tell him differently. When he asks for your opinion he will only listen if you agree with him. As soon as you disagree, he starts looking the other way and mumbling "Un-huh" as you talk. Say goodbye to some more fish!


HEHEH I know that guy also. Unless there is more than one of em. That couldn't be... could it ;)
Well I know he would need filtration but about the zebra mussels. I live on lake erie (one of the great lakes) some people (from the united states) dont even know what those are beleive it or not. Anyways way back when lake erie caught fire because of all the polution. It was a big joke with GE, hammermill (international paper) and many many other plants pumping their sewage and junk into it. Fish went extinct (blue pike which was native to lake erie alone)
WELLL to make a long story short the lake is much much much cleaner now and it is majorily because of some ocean going ship emptying its bilges (with zebra mussels) into the lake.
Ok drove 9 hours today I am tired I am going to bed :)


Active Member
Regardless of him adding Zebra Mussels, which will cause a nasty cut, how could he fit all of those fish in there, w/o causing a couple to jump?


How will zebra mussels cut you?? I catch them all the time when fishing for walleye (yellow pike) and I normally just smash them in my hand. Only way I could think they would cut you is walking on a beach barefoot with all the dead ones all over the place. Dont think this guy would stand in a 10 gallon tank....... then again


Did you know that Zebra Mussels were declared a nuisance to the US by the EPA (I had to do a stupid research paper for my ENGR class).


Active Member
HunterDaddy, I wasn't saying they would cut him, and you answered your own question as to how they could cut you.


Sorry yellowtang, but I have one more thing to say.
Zebra muscles are not a good thing. I too live near the great lakes and I also live near many inland lakes. Some of the most beautiful lakes in my area have become infested with these little mucles. They come in on the idiots boats who do not flush them after coming out of Lake Erie or any of the others. Now we have zebras everywhere. Zebras eat algae. They feed and reproduce so quickly that yes, they do clean up the lake but look at the harm. All the little creatures that eat the algae now die off from starvation. The fingerlings that used to eat these creatures now have no food source. The larger predators that eat the fingerlings now have fewer to choose from. Its a viscous circle. Please do not think that the Zebras are a good thing. Lake Erie caught on fire because Cleveland chose not to watch who was dumping what into the lake. Those people and the companies that dumped the crap in our lake are the ones to be blammed. Zebras are not a good thing.