I don't really know what this stuff is???


I have had my reef for about a year and just recently I started getting these little flakes all over my live rock. Does anyone know what this could possibly be and how I can rid of it. I comes right off when I brush it or when you wave the water around it. HELP!


Active Member
siphon them out as best as possible, im not really sure other than that.
i agree flat worms.


Active Member
yes, i guess that the brown ones (now dont quote me on this,) arent really harmful, just ugly, and eventually they will die out on their own. the red ones can eat corals, but i dont think thats what you have. there is a product called flatworm exit, but i wouldnt reccomend it as i dont know what effect it would have on the rest of your tank (corals, inverts, etc) and i hear that sometimes it doesnt even work.


Thanks alix2.0!! I'm doing al little bit of reading up on them and am finding the same info. I guess I'm gonna keep doing water changes until those little yuckies leave!! Thanks alot though!!


Active Member
Do they move on their own?? That's a MESS of flatworms if it is. I have opaque/white flatworms in my tanks, and they tend to like to get on the shrooms, palys, LPS.
I tried 2 Blue Velvet Nudis in one of my tanks and they went missing after 3 days.


These don't move at all. They are like flakes. If I wave the water around they float and fall to the sand. They are everywhere!! Even on the back of the glass. None of my corals have had any problems but I don't want them to. I have read that if I get a reef-safe wrasse that they might eat them? Does anyone agree??


Active Member
sixline wrasse may eat them (others too but im not sure what kinds) but it depends if you can keep one for the long term. tank size, bioload, compatibility, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hooktonfsh
These don't move at all. They are like flakes. If I wave the water around they float and fall to the sand. They are everywhere!! Even on the back of the glass. None of my corals have had any problems but I don't want them to. I have read that if I get a reef-safe wrasse that they might eat them? Does anyone agree??
Not sure. From what I have researched, flatworms are fairly toxic.

sea n life

i had the same ones in my frag tank they are flat worms and they do move on there own scrape the glass and they will be back the next day i used flatworm eXit and it worked then suck out as many as you can cuz they are very toxic when they die and thats why people say its not reef safe then i got a sixline wrasse and now they are gone sixline is GREAT IMO.


I agree with Sea n life's statement. That kind of flatworm I don't believe is bad for your tank, it might be with that many though
but I would not use flatworm exit because when they die they secrete a toxic chemical that will harm your tank. Normal applications are ok with just a few but with that many you could do more harm than good. Your best bet is just to do water changes and suck as many as you can. And yes, they are def. flatworms, and they don't move fast at all. Sixlines and Fourline wrasses are known to eat them, but that gonna be one fat fish... I have a fourline in my tank and he eats the occasional one when he can find them, and I've even seen him eat a few bristle worms.. best of luck to you


New Member
I had those nasty looking worms too. I purchases a six line wrasse and they were gone in a matter of days. I did not even put my wrasse in qt. I could not wait for him that long. The worms were killing some of my corals so I put him in my dt rght away and he started eating them after he settled down which was about 4 hours. I have been happy with him ever since. I would recommend a six or four line. I would not wait to long to take any action. Also make sure you check your filters, etc there also be eggs and probably worms on them also.