I dont Remember


:notsure: I know this question has been answered before... but I cant find it... So what do You have to do before putting fully cured LR that has been shipped in the Aquarium? My son just got 50 lbs of fully cured off the Net. I think You have to rinse it in a solution of salt water... then you take a tooth brush and scrub the dead off the rock... am I right? Is that salt that we use for the aquariums that we rinse the rock in?? Yes I would think so anyway. Then just place it in the Aquarium... Right? and how much salt do we add to the water for rinsing?


Everything your doing so far is about what I do. As far as how much salt, if my tank is 1.026 than that the amout of salt i use for the rock. When I'm curing rock I do a water change to my tank and use that water.


Active Member
All LR (fully cured or not) is no longer fully cured when shipped through the mail. It will surely have some die off on it. Take a tooth brush and scrub off anything that looks dead or is dying in saltwater.
Yes you use the same salt that you use in your saltwater tank and mix to the same salinty you have your tank at. Unless your tank is empty (no livestock or critters) you will need to fully cure the LR yourself in a seperate container before you add it to your tank.