I feel in love with...


I just came back from the LFS with my friend who had to pick up some things. I saw this beautiful 125 gallon tank. I can't wait to upgrade in a couple of months. I was just picturing all the beautiful fish I could have in it. I didn't even get my 54 gal started yet, but never to early to dream.


I just got my 55g around Christmas time, and I am already upgrading to a 180g soon. Making it a OFWLR so I can have all the cool fish.


Active Member
No 125's for me unless I can move soon. Unless I put it upstairs. I would be afraid that it would cave in..... :scared:


i started with a 29 gal 2 monthees ago and last week upgraded to 55 gal. and im already dreaming of a bigger one!!!!!!!


We're sick, sick people. I just got my 60 up and running and am ready for something bigger. I'm trying to convince myself to wait until I move. Hopefully I can hold off.


Here's my $0.02...go as big as possible the first time...as much as you think you can afford and go as big as the the real estate allows..
I started (3 years ago) with a 90g, went to a 180g, now I am in a 300g...and the sick part is...I am eyeballing this beautiful 2500g, 1.5" acrylic at my LFS :thinking:


Now that you say that I'm real mad that I didn't go as far as possible. I wanted to start out with a 125 or higher. But my friends were like "start of small" or "the smaller the better for a beginner" and I wish I didn't listen to them. Becuase yesterday I was about to buy a 265 gallon! I am planning on buying the 265 gallon or bigger by next Christmas.


Active Member
or buy the bigger one too, and drill em both and connect using a glass tube that the fish can swim across to go from tank to tank, lol.. i seen somthing like that somewhere b4.. cant remember..


Active Member
Go as big as you can and save yourself the time and energy of upgrading(for a least a year to two) Listen to your fellow aquarists. :cheer:


Originally Posted by cain420
or buy the bigger one too, and drill em both and connect using a glass tube that the fish can swim across to go from tank to tank, lol.. i seen somthing like that somewhere b4.. cant remember..
I seen that at the Amazon Cafe. The last time I went to Disney I ate there 3 times! Gotta love thier tanks!
Originally Posted by FISHY7

Go as big as you can and save yourself the time and energy of upgrading(for a least a year to two) Listen to your fellow aquarists.
I really wish I would of done that now. Oh, well I will just have to wait until Christmas.