I feel like a family member died


Active Member
I came home a couple of days ago and found my Percula clown dead.
I've had it for over 5 years and it had such a great personality. It always followed me around the tank and I could even pet it.
I had to go pick up a couple of smalls ones to replace it. It will be a long time before these little guys trust me that much.


Staff member
So sorry to hear, Tang. I understand completely. Non-Hobbyist think we are nuts thinking of our fish as pets, but they are indeed.
Do you know what happened?


Active Member
sorry to hear that!! We have had ours for 4 years......I don't know what we will do when Bozo goes. We just love him.......he love us to sit and look at "his" tank. He takes shrimp from my hand to take to "his" anemone. Great personalities...........sorry for your loss


Active Member
I think she was just old. I checked all my parameters and they are fine. She may have died from a broken heart. I had purchased a little clown to keep her company a few weeks ago that died after a couple of days. She took to it immediately and they were inseparable for those couple of days.


Staff member
Wow, that is interesting that a full crown clown took to a new addition? Any chance that the new addition had a disease and gave it to your old clown?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Wow, that is interesting that a full crown clown took to a new addition? Any chance that the new addition had a disease and gave it to your old clown?
Anything is possible. I sure hope not. The new addition looked very healthy. It was doing fine and then it just disappeared. I thought they would have a territory dispute also but it never happened. My old clown was huge and the new one was very tiny. Maybe that is why they did not have a dispute.
Anyway, she earned a special place in the back yard.


Hey Tang,
Sorry to hear about your percula.... She got the best :happyfish life any fish could want! Good luck on your new additions !


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
You could pet it? How? :jumping: :jumping:
And I'm sorry about your clownfish

Well, as close to petting as you could get. I could put my hand in the tank and touch her and she would not run off. That's pretty close.


Active Member
Awwww. I probably could do that to mine, but it always make me jump when i touch one and then i end up banging my hand on something *smash* lol


I have an emerald wrassse that I can hand feed and he brushes up against my hand all the time. He goes crazy every morning when he first see's me. I haven't decided if he's happy to see me or if he knows it's breakfast time. :D


Staff member
I had a percula that would swim into my cupped hand [like hosting my hand!]. Unfortunately she died as well. My cinnamon was mean. I couldn't put my hand in the tank without him vigiously attacking me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I had a percula that would swim into my cupped hand [like hosting my hand!]. Unfortunately she died as well. My cinnamon was mean. I couldn't put my hand in the tank without him vigiously attacking me.
I don't know how many times I've scooped water out of the tank to soak frozen food in and scooped her right out of tank. She would just swim right in there.