I feel stupid


I still dont understand the whole rock thing.
So is base rock just plain brown rock that has nothing on it?
What is figi rock, just a name brand thing? Or does it have stuff growing on it?
And when we are talking about STUFF growing on rocks what does it look like?
Do you put plain brown rock down and then the rock with stuff growing on it on top ... i guess depending on how high you want your stack to be?
I feel so clueless ... I am trying to learn this stuff but i think i need one of those dummy manuels.
I dont want to even think about adding anything to my tank (it just has damsels right now and its totally cycled) until i TOTALLY understand inside and out how this will work out for me.
I would also like to know what kind of lighting i will need for a 55 gallon tank. I am getting ready to start it up.
I will GREATLY appreciate any and all help!!!!
[ May 31, 2001: Message edited by: LionGirl ]


New Member
Live Rock is named for the part of the world it is harvested from. So Fiji Rock is from Fiji, etc. When you buy live rock from the LFS it usually has cycled in their tanks. Basically when they receive it all the oxygen in the water it is shipped with is used up and the organisms living on the rock die. The LFS will then keep it in their tanks till most of the decay occurs and organisms (usually bacteria and whatever didn't end up dying) start growing again. The rock will have a very light color at this time. As it starts to mature again algae will start to cover the rock and give it the different reds, greens, browns. I've even bought rock that has had small feather dusters, tiny snails and one had a clam. It's interesting to watch things "come to life."
I think the convention is 1-2 lbs per gallon of water in the tank. I have a 55 and a 50 and both have about 40 lbs. of rock.
Not sure what "brown rock" is. But you just put the rock in. Once it's inserted the tank may go into a mini-cycle but with just damsels it shouldn't be a problem.
Kind of a long answer but I hope this helps.
BAse rock is essentially dead rock, meaning no coraline algae or little critters in the rock. Fiji Live rock is live rock with coraline, little critters, and all sorts of life. You can use live rock to seed dead rock but plan on a good wait, probably about six months. Fiji, IMO, is the best rock as it is very porous and and provides a good amount of surface area for beneficial bacteria and such. Fiji rock is called fiji rock because, I assume, it comes from fiji. It really doesnt matter if the base rock is beneath or above the liverock, just that its in the tank. Lighting is another story and someone else will probably be able to answer it better for you. Really it depends on how much you are willing to spend, but I would choose between VHO's or MH and not go with PC. With MH there is the heat factor and you may need to install fans in your hood. i would do a search for lighting and you will get tons of info. GL!
Yeah, there is tons of life that will come out of live rock. My live rock had a baby starfish in it that I just discovered the other day, baby snails, a few little feather dusters, and lots of color. I have a lot of Fiji rock and I love it. Yes, it does come from Fiji. After your tank is done cycling, I would go ahead and get some live rock. I am sure you will be impressed with all of the growth and all of the life that comes out. HTH and good luck!


New Member
I actually recommend placing the live rock in your tank while it is cycling. This will speed up the process. I also recommend putting live sand in there also. You will really enjoy the live rock, because you never know what will grow out of it.HTH.
Nate ;)


Active Member
Originally posted by LionGirl:
<STRONG>I still dont understand the whole rock thing.
So is base rock just plain brown rock that has nothing on it?
What is figi rock, just a name brand thing? Or does it have stuff growing on it?
And when we are talking about STUFF growing on rocks what does it look like?
Do you put plain brown rock down and then the rock with stuff growing on it on top ... i guess depending on how high you want your stack to be?
I feel so clueless ... I am trying to learn this stuff but i think i need one of those dummy manuels.
I dont want to even think about adding anything to my tank (it just has damsels right now and its totally cycled) until i TOTALLY understand inside and out how this will work out for me.
I would also like to know what kind of lighting i will need for a 55 gallon tank. I am getting ready to start it up.
I will GREATLY appreciate any and all help!!!!
[ May 31, 2001: Message edited by: LionGirl ]</STRONG>
I agree with you, buy a manual on reef keeping. I recommend The Reef Aquarium by Julian Sprung.
It is good to hear that you have patients and are trying to understand the reef before going to far, you will be rewarded in this hobby for it and I commend you.
The lights you will chose should only depend on the corals you wish to keep, if you can't afford that right off then just save up til you can because upgrading is a waste of money and this hobby is already expensive.
Good Luck