I finally got my tank!!!


New Member
So after a couple questions and LOADS of trolling, I decided to finally get a 24G Nano Deluxe.
My shopping list was ridiculous, including:
Maxijet 1200 (installed easily)
Hydor Flo rotating head (works awesome)
a pair of SilenX fans that should be quieter
and the NiteVu LED fix (on it's way)
I'm just running freshwater and the LEDs to stress test the tank today.
Any other input would be great...
Again, thanks to everyone for all the great advice and ideas!


Congrats on the new tank!
Read through the boards as much as you can(no reason to duplicate any failures with your$$$)

Have fun and be patient!


New Member
Defiantely being patient. I took out my bioballs and ceramic. Left in 2 sponges and the carbon for the moment.
I'm thinking of getting SeaChem Matrix for the center chamber as well as some Floss for over the carbon.
I just started mixing salt in last night, this morning my SG is standing at 1.021... got a little bit to go before I add my 20 lbs. of Live sand I guess...


OK, i am just going to tell you some good stuff for filtration. I will start with chamber 1 on the right side and work over to chamber 3 on the left side.
Chamber 1. Take out the cartridge with the carbon in it, then rip off the padding and take out the carbon. Then get a "Poly Filter" and cut it to fit in the little rectangles, but don't make 4 little rectangles. What you do is make the piece as long as the rectangles go, and as wide as the rectangles go (mostly the size of the cartridge. Then cut some slits where the "crossbeams" are about 3/4 way thru the poly filter. Then pop it in. THe pad is phenomenal and keeps my trates below 15. Then in chamber 2 (middle) Take out the top trickle tray and take out the bio balls. Leave the bioball strainer in. What i did here was put in my filter media. The strainer keeps it from being sucked into the sponge. I have purigen, phosguard, and carbon in middle chamber. I use carbon in bags because it is cheaper than paying 10 bucks for a cartridge that you replace every 2 weeks and it it is easier to refill. In the third and final chamber, upgrade you pump (i see you have) and that is all. If you use what i have listed for the middle chamber, all 3 chambers should be nearly full. The final chamber will be about an inch lower than the other two (i dont know why). This way it is easier to tell when you need to add water and it add about half a gallon more to your tank, which is substancial (atleast in my 14g bio cube delux) I hope i helped, and if i confused you just ask me.


can you tell me about this hydor flow thing? it sounds good. Can i put one in my 14g oceanic bio cube?


New Member
The Hydor Flo is a deflector that rotates and causes random water movement. It seems like it's running great. You can find them for about 10-15 bucks and should hook right on the end where most Nano's have that "duck-bill" style output. just pull your's off and slip the new one on. I used a little teflon tap make it more solid of a connection.
I do have a question though... My tank still hasn't stopped being cloudy. I added in the 20 lbs. of live sand about 2 days ago, and my water is still cloudy. Any ideas?


New Member
I was, but I just took out the 2 sponges and the carbon. I never put in the bioballs or ceramics. I'm guessing that maybe leaving them in was a problem? I shut everything down for the night hoping it may be allright in the morning.


You might need to run the filter to clear up the cloudiness i know i did.


New Member
So I put the filter back in a few hours ago and am gonna run it overnight and see if it makes an impact. Any other ideas? The foam doesn't seem to be making much of a dent...


Active Member
I took out all my sponge and replaced with floss. Tank runs clear. I bet if you just keep running it, it will clean up. Is it from the bottom being stirred up? I have a hydorflo also two BIG thumbs up!!!!!!!


New Member
My big mistake was filling with water first and then pouring in the full 20Lbs. of Live Sand. Hell of a mess.
Sponges are still in till I can get home from work. I picked up some Fluval "water polishing pads"... looks ike compressed and cut filter floss. Not sure of the Micron rating, but that's all I could find, my good LFS are about 45 minutes away.
Oh yeah, I love the way that Hydor Flo runs. The surrent seems almost random. Even with a bare sand bottom it's not stirring up anything.