I Found a Baby Brittle Star in my Canister Filter


New Member
Today I was adding some phosphate sponge into my Magnum 350 canister filter and found what I assume to be a baby brittle star approx. 1 in in diameter. I assume that it hitched a ride on a new live rock that I purchased in which I also found a live adult brittle star! Currently I have the baby brittle star in a small tupperware bowl...( I didn't have anything else around at the time) What do I do with it....I assume if I put it back in the 65 gal aquarium it will get sucked up by the filter. Should I buy a baby fish separator or just place it back on the rock near its mother. Any help would be appreciated


Active Member
I'd let the little guy fend for itself. There's plenty of hidy holes in the rock work. Although being a hitch hiker you may want to separate it to watch is grow and find out what kind of star it is. What color are the 2 stars?
I happened upon a mixed variety of hitchhiker baby stars and they all thrive quite nicely in the live rocks. Every feeding time you start seeing all these little arms popping out to catch some flakes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
I happened upon a mixed variety of hitchhiker baby stars and they all thrive quite nicely in the live rocks. Every feeding time you start seeing all these little arms popping out to catch some flakes.
They could be mini stars too. Are they white? They're perfect little scavengers for seahorse tanks.


New Member
The adult star appears to be a typical brittle star. It is solid brown. The small one appears to have portions of dark brown and lighter brown thick stripes. After isolating the star I put it back in the tank onto the live rock....Hopefully It will not get sucked up again....I wonder if there are more baby brittlestars hiding in the rock?


I don't have any experiance with baby brittle stars but I do have an adult brittle star. I think you should put him back with his mom, but just in case you should check on him to make sure he doesn't end up in there.


The closer I have been looking at my tank the more and more little brittle stars I find hiding in evrything
They came in on some LR I about a few months back at that time I only noticed one now there are at least ten, so I would just let him be he should be fine
Originally Posted by Rykna
They could be mini stars too. Are they white? They're perfect little scavengers for seahorse tanks.
Nope, I ended up with a large quantity of brittle's, a few of the small white ones, some sand sifters and at least 1 nocturnal star that I just finally caught a picture of last night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
Nope, I ended up with a large quantity of brittle's, a few of the small white ones, some sand sifters and at least 1 nocturnal star that I just finally caught a picture of last night.
Neato!!!! can't wait to see


Active Member
WoW!!! Beautiful star. What kind is it? It looks like a serpentine. Love the coraline too.
Originally Posted by Rykna
WoW!!! Beautiful star. What kind is it? It looks like a serpentine. Love the coraline too.
I honestly have no clue at all. This was only the 2nd time I've seen it, so even getting a good look is rather difficult.
The coraline is actually one of the sections that's touched by natural sunlight coming in a window. It'll slightly cover in algae then the snails hit it and that's what is left. It's been growing for 2 months that way from a very very small patch the size of a dime.