I found a star fish.........I think


Active Member
I saw what looks like a star fish moving along the glass. Hes really little about the size of a green pea. Im shocked because I have not introduced anything to the tank for over 3 months.
Do they grow slow and I just never noticed it?


Active Member
Its an asterina star, and it probably has been hanging out in your rock somewhere and I bet if you look hard enough you will find more.


New Member
I have recently found one in my tank also. I was wondering where it came from and if it gets any bigger. Mine stays on the glass and moves around the tank. my tank has only been up 3 weeks. It is so cute


Active Member
They stay about that size. Some peeps feel they eat corals. I've only seem them eat algae and such. But the large ones like to eat the coralline in my tank.