i found puffer munching on tang head


New Member
my 8 inch puffer,"zoomus" ate half of the tang and ripped all of his fins. i saw him biting it when i got home. the brown sailfin tang was like 6 inches. the little 2 inch trigger carried the big tang by its vein or wutever. i was surprised how strong he was. now my tank is very cloudy. i have to get a bigger filter and a water change. now i just have my puffer, huma trigger, tomato clown, yellow tang, n 3 damsels which i mite hand feed to zoomus.


Yeah I recently had a porcupine puffer in my tank and he started munching on my damsels so I had to take him back (as I didn't want an agressive tank).....I certainly hope you find a resolution to this problem.
IMO...an aquatic environment is extremely limited when a puffer is introduced...personally I would not put a tang with a puffer...or a clown with a puffer...or a trigger with a puffer...the only fish I would have is the puffer...some will probably disagree because exceptions do exist...not for nothin' but please be careful with that puffer...
...my regards for your loss...


it depends on the fish. I have a 10" porcupine puffer that is a complete wuss. he eats last all the time and EVERYTHING else in the tank just beats on him, well he does no get hurt but they shove him out of the way. my queen just swims right over top of him. maybe i just got a pathetic one.