I gave in and bought just one fish


jackie dh

It is the biggest Lawn mower Blennie that I have ever seen, the thing looks like a six+ inch dragon!
He is even pushing my Maroon clowns out of their favorite cave and I've never seen any one push them around. The guy at the store said that they can be aggressive, some thing that I've never seen before but maybe this monster is the exception??? He was in a tank with only a few damsels, maybe he was too nasty to live with any one else? The tank is a 120 some there should be enough room for every one, he has plenty of "lawn" to mow for now with all that hair algae.
I am still itching to get more but it will have to wait..... I guess that I should work on getting my QT tank ready and take it easy on adding to the big tank..... I've never QT-ed before and I've never had a parasite or infection brought into this tank other that a few spots of ick which the cleaner shrimp took care of, nothing that ever caused me any loses at all. If I buy locally I am very careful with my choices and if any fish in their system is the least bit sick I won't buy any thing from them. My fish were all fat and beautiful before the ammonia spike took them. :(