I got a nano cube!!!


New Member
I just found out im getting a 24 gallon nano cube. What all should i get for it supply-wise? Also how mush LR, LS should i get? Are there any types of eels or puffers i can keep in this size tank. Can you give me some fish cambinations for it? Thanks


Well I just got my 24 last week. I have 25 lbs of Live Sand, and 30 lbs of Live rock. I used about 3 lbs of live rock in chamber 2 for a refugium. Take all the original guts out as far as filtration. I am going Filter floss in chamber one. Refugium in chamber 2, and heater and pump in chamber 3. The number one purchase should be a HYDOR FLO which can be found on ----, if they don't have them on this sight.
I am still waiting for my live sand to settle its been 2 days. The cycle seems to be going well however, the ammonia jumped high. As far as I know no eels or puffers are good for a tank this small. Clownfish, Gobies, a nice goby, shrimp combo is popluar, a sixline wrasse is very popular. mostly itsy fish. :D HAVE FUN You will find modding hte tank is just as fun as putting fish inn it.


Active Member
HOw about a garden eel....They have one for about 5 years now in a 10 gal Eclipse tank at the LFS........about all you ever see of it is its tail sticking out of the sand wagging like a dogs tail.....They also have a rainfordi goby (court jester) and a few neon gobies in the tank.......and from what they said they have been there for a long time and doing fine. I looked for the name GArden Eel but have not turned up any info on them, but it does seem rather docile and stays small....


this is what i found out on the garden eels.....
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Care Level: Expert Only
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1' 2"
Color Form: Black, Turquoise
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Congridae
The Garden Eel, also known as Hass's Garden Eel, looks like a colony of seagrass.
The main portion of the Garden eel is usually buried in the sand, and if approached, retreats into the substrate. Several of these eels may be kept together in a 100 gallon or larger aquarium with at least 6 inches of sand, a gentle current, and without aggressive tank mates. Decor should be kept at a minimum. A tight-fitting lid is required to prevent escape.
The Garden Eel diet consists of meaty foods and live foods such as freshwater ghost shrimp or small feeder fish.
Approximate Purchase Size: 6" to 12"
so i would say not a chance in a nano tank.....