I got ich and need help please

jimmy dix

New Member
I have a 90 gal tank and got ich and killed all my fish. How long or what should I do to get rid of it? I started a QT tank and put my live rock in it should I do anything to my QT tank or just let it cycle? I all so have some snails and crabs sould I take them out of my main tank and put then in my QT tank? My QT tank is a 20 gal with foam filters
Thank you vary much for your help?
You should probably let the tank with the ich stay fishless for a while, Ich cannot survive without a host. It will be better in the long run to let the tank sit. Also your live roack would be fine in the tank with out the fish because ich as far as iknow does not effect your live rock or inverts if I am wrong I am sure that some one else will correct my statement. If you still have fish in there I would either (and preferably) place them in the Q tank and do hypo or if that is not an option for you try garlic soaked food and a cleaner shrimp.
Many people have had luck with kick ich but it is hit or miss. Ther are other ways like copper treatment but if you do that get the rock out of there and you cant do copper if you have a reef tank. anyway I hope I helped I have limited knowledge in this area but I am sure that someone will also gave you some advice.


Staff member
30 days WO fish. Don't forget to still feed your tank...inverts.
While you're waiting for the tank to "cure", you can have some fun by setting up a QT for your new fish...that way, you will know for certain that this bad exp will never happen again.