i got live rock


hey you guys i just went to the local fish store and got two pieces of live rock. its been running for 2 weeks this sunday. well i had my water tested and the local pet store told me i'm able to get some fish.so to be carefull i got some damsel's.
i have a question though will the stuff on the live rock spread over to my coral?

my tank is taller then most and my local fish store said i need a special light to keep anenomes. does anybody know what that is? thanks.



The stuff off your LR will spred over to your coral over time. The lighting is not my thing but if any thing MH lighting would be good


Active Member
First of all your tank has been running for 2 weeks which means it is most likely not cycled so i'm not sure if the fish will make it just be prepared. As an anemone I would say wait till your water quality is perfect like 3-6 months and you will need VHO (Very High Output), T5s or MH (Metal Halides) just be patient and read alot


yes the stuff on the live rock will spread, give it a little while though it may take a bit. and you will probably get alot more responses (and find answers) to these questions if you check out the New Hobbyist forum. just a suggestion though! good luck!


i've also read that you are supposed to wait at least 4 weeks, but my local pet store said there was absolutly no ameonia in the water and she said to buy a couple damsel to get the cycle started and she said that she would check my water again in a week and if the water was fine she would give me a refund for the damsels and put the money toward my next puchase. can't argue with that. :happyfish.


sorry if i made it sound like i didin't care about the damsel's go belly up;
of course i'd be sad if they were to die, but the local pet store assured me my water was perfect. she said that the only way they would die would be if they beat each other up.


What kind of damsels are they. To me they look like a yellow tail but the blue looks a little pale of what they should be


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbieABC
sorry if i made it sound like i didin't care about the damsel's go belly up;
of course i'd be sad if they were to die, but the local pet store assured me my water was perfect. she said that the only way they would die would be if they beat each other up.
Has anyone suggested using fresh cocktail shrimp from the grocery store to complete the cycle? Works great and you don't have to worry about your critters...cheap too.
Just a suggesion.
Lisa :happyfish


they are yellow tailed damsel's its the flash on my camara that made it look paleand i have another one that is a domino damsel. that sounds like a plan for the next tank i set up lisa :joy: .