i got my butt in a sling


ok here's the sitiation...i started a new tank like literally 3 days ago and being the noob i am i bought 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 snails...after this i learned about cycling a tank...1 of my shrimp(which i'm using to cycle the tank) died but everything else is still alive...so here's the question...by feeding that shrimp will my tank never get a chance to cycle because of the leftover food...u know what i mean will the nitrate be able to catch up to the ammonia? if not i'm about to like send these inverts to a buddy...:happyfish


Active Member
Just the opposite....the leftover food will help the tank cycle. It will decompose and produce ammonia. Keep feeding them the same amount or more until you see an ammonia spike. :D


sry one more question do i have to quit feeding him when i see the ammonia spike in order for the ammonia to get a chance to all get transfered into nitrite?


Active Member
Yep.... Once the ammonia spikes it will go to 0. Then you'll see the nitrites spike and go to 0. Once this happens, do a 10% waterchange and double check for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. :D


so ur saying yes i need to stop feeding my pep. shrimp after the ammonia spike or yes i can continue to feed him after the spike and it won't effect the cycle?:confused: :notsure:


ok sorry i just wasn't totally sure (i'm one of those people that needs to be reassured often)...thanks again...once i get some stuff in this thing i'm gonna get some sweet pics!!!