i got questions


New Member
what type of lighting would i need for a 125 gallon tank long ,would like to keep anemones. and what type of canster filter would u buy for 125 gallons would i need any other type of filtering if i have live rock and live sand in my tank. iam lost of the filtering system i know LR and LS acts like a filter but dont know what eles i should buy to keep my tank clean at a good price any info would be helpful thank:)


Active Member
for anemones you might want to get mh you can also get hard corals with the mh. but if you just want soft corals then you only need pc. filter you can probably get a rena or a fluval. you might want to get a skimmer. and if you want natural filteration then you need tons of live rock. probably like 140 lbs of live rock.


There really is no need for a fluval type filter on your tank unless you want to use it to run carbon or something. In my opinion they just become a nitrate factory. You seem to be some what on the right track already. You need to have live sand and a good amount of liverock in your tank. The bacteria in the liverock will be the best filter you can buy. You also want to invest in a good quality skimmer. This is one of your most important purchases when setting up a reef tank.

shark bait

I like the new eheim wet/dry, It kinda has a wave maker and is great for reef, but in a 125 you could really use a sump and all your gear can go in is eg skimmer. I would get a sump set up, and the bigest skimer you can fit. If i had to re-do my 100g i would have went sump, not canister, you can add live rock to the sump and a refuge, an awsome way to filter with live plants. Your options are endless. And i can ramble all day about filters. just read, and when your done reading do it again... :hilarious


I would suggest getting 3 - 250 watt MH lighting with 14000 or 20000 k bulbs then you could keep anything most annenomes have strong lighting needs.I would suggest no filter just LR & LS you would need 1 to 1.5 #'s per gal to be a biologocal filter . I would say to also put a protien skimmer and strong flow / turn over rate and you will be all set.