i got some ideas/questions


Active Member
ok guys, heres what i got going on, my buddy and i are gonna start building tanks, he's got the know-how, i got the ideas, what we are going to do is a custom built 75 gallon tank, to start with. we actually wanna make a business outta this, eventually.
for the 75, we're going to make it shorter, wider, longer, to give more surface area, and to make it easier to clean. after looking at all the 75g tanks at the different fish stores and pet stores around town, i dont like em, they're too tall, and when they're on a stand, its a pain to get down into them for cleaning and what not. now do u guys think there is market for these, would any of you guys be interested in tanks like this?
give me some ideas on what you folks would like to see in a tank, sizes, shapes, dimensions, what not.
thank you for your time


Active Member
Lots of people like tanks that are deeper rather than longer, however this does not provide as good of a display of the fish. Rectangle tanks are the norm because the length and minimal width encourages fish to swim the length of the tank. Generally the rock is stacked along the back of the tank to provide swimming room for the fish in the front.
Personally, though, I am a huge fan of cylinder tanks. If you had some expertise and the ability to make one for a reasonable price, I'd definitely be interested. However, with glass, there are safety concerns. And the person building has to truly know what he/she is doing because a poor design will cause lots of problems.


Active Member
he's built aquariums before, along with reptile habitats, so he's definitely got the know-how and the experience. i just have a big problem with the tall tanks, wide and long is great, but there's such a thing as too tall in my book lol. thats why i wanna cut about 6-8" off the height of a standard 75, and then make a lil longer, a lil wider, to compensate for it.


Not to cast a shadow on anyone's dream, but the market is really hurting right now. People are cutting down on spending money left and right.
Here in the San Francisco Bay area, two LFS just closed. They tried to sell themselves but there were no takers. The big store I go to has seen a dramatic fall in business, so the owner sold his house and moved into a rental to keep the fish store going. There are LOTS of bargains on aquariums right now.
You might want to wait a little for the economy to improve before launching a new business.


Active Member
it will be early next summer, may/june, before we get started making aquariums. but, on a side note, we are going to start making custom aquarium stands as a side line for a woodworking business my gf's dad and i are going to start working here in the next few weeks, so if anyone wants any kinda custom stand work by a master wood worker, let me know what kinda dimensions you'd like, and if you'd like any kinda carvings done into said wood, along with canopy dimensions, and we'll work you up a price, and it will be very reasonable
and i know what ya mean about the economy, it royally blows right now