I got stumper for someone


Here is my stumper my black and white striped damesal will swim in a piece of dead coral i got for x-mas.Well onces it gets in there he changes to like a pale white i thought he was dead so i watched him for a few then he movied while he was in there still white i may add well i got him to come out of the coral and he started to turn back to his black and white color again what gives ?


Active Member
Yup, my fish do the same thing. My blue spot puffer sleeps upside down and is the palest white. Surely, the first time I saw this I thought he was dead. They get this pale-white from being in the dark.


Active Member
in natural habitats sleeping is related to darkness, unlike mine where dark means work and light means, eh w/e... neways, it's not so much that they change colors when they sleep but that they change colors when the light dims. Them sleeping helps the coloration. For isntance, a yellow tang will turn to a palish color nights out, or if u leave the light on, it will go to it's cave or w/e and will dull, but not so sever. It's a natural defense, so ur fine. * i need sleep*