I hate going out of town!!!


Active Member
Went to Macedonia last week. Great trip.
Anyway, came back and my Bubble Tip Anemone had split! I now have two beautiful and very healthy looking anemones. I can't believe I missed it!
So excited... nice to see something reproducing in the tank. The anemones are almost to the size where I'm going to be able to add Clownfish to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
you dont NEED an anenome to have clownfish...
Indeed, quite true. My anemone (now anemones) are on the small side though. I am waiting for them to get big enough that if a clown decides to host in them they won't "love" the anemone to death. That was my point in waiting to get clowns.


Originally Posted by cain420
you dont NEED an anenome to have clownfish...
How true!! We've got a couple of tr clarkii's that we got out of qt on saturday, and yesterday they were "adopting" a star polyps colony. It is so funny to see them love the star polyps, and they don't close up. But when a cleaner shrimp goes through it, it immediately closes.


Active Member
Congradulations on the split and sorry you missed it. Just think of it this way, you might have worried 'whats wrong with my anemone' and it was just saveing you the stress. haha
Good thinking on waiting for them to get larger because sooo many have been beat to death because of that. I think a general rule is the anemone should be 3 to 4 times bigger than the fish.
So, feed em good and they should grow faster. Happy hosting when they are ready.


Active Member
Thanks everyone... I am really excited. Kind of a milestone in my aquarium's history. Makes me feel good to see it thriving.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Congradulations on the split and sorry you missed it. Just think of it this way, you might have worried 'whats wrong with my anemone' and it was just saveing you the stress. haha
Great point... I probably would have been a nervous wreck.