I hate my cleaner shrimp

blue steel

I just bought a LTA. I understand that I must feed them by placing a silverside or sand eel on their tentacles. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS MY STUPID SHRIMP ALWAYS PULLS OUT THE FOOD FOR ITSELF. :scared:


Active Member
Give the shrimp a piece and he will scurry off happy to feast and then feed your LTA. Or cover your LTA with something while it feeds.

blue steel

Thanks for the advice but I have tried that and he eats it for a while then drops it just to retrieve the food in the anemone.
I also tried stuffing the food inside the anemones mouth, but the shrimp would pull it out.
I tried to feed both and then scare off the shrimp until he has no more interest with it. A few hours later I would find the food I placed inside of the anemones mouth on the sand bed.


Sometimes a plastic strawberry basket can be used to cover the anemone until its had a chance to eat. Depends on the rockwork or size of anemone.


My cleaner does the same thing, he is a nuthead but love him. have someone hold a piece of food in their hands on the other side of the tank and let him eat off that while on the other side someone takes care of the anemone, works for us....to try and give anything to our bubble coral we have to do this, cause the shrimp is a total pig.