i hate spyware


Active Member
Well, yesterday a coworker told me that she had something on her systray that told her to install something to remove some spyware on her system. so she did... and her virus scanner went nuts because of it. yup, guess what... she installed spyware on her computer.
ok, no problem. run symantec (gets rid of spyware and viruses), let it delete it, reboot and it should be gone.
NOPE. it deleted the program, but as soon as we rebooted, boom, it was right back, waiting to be installed again in the systray.
ok.... time to go to safe mode, remove system backups, delete the program, get it out of the registry, run the virus scanner, and boom, everything is gone. woohoo, lets reboot in normal mode...
BAM spyware there again..
ok, so lets do all that again, but run spybot.
ok, spybot finds it, removes it, woohooo, time to reboot out of safemode.
Ok, time to google...oh look, here's another program that gets rid of it... adaware.
ok, safemode, semantec, spybot, adaware, crapcleaner, regedit, msconfig, blah blah blah blah.
ok, wow, adaware got rid of something the other two didnt. cool.
everything is clean, back to normal...
SOB still there.
ended up finding something on microsoft's website that FINALLY cleaned it off, along with another virus that nothing else found. the darn programs weren't finding the loader program, just the end program. yes, they were cleaning the spyware, but not the program that loaded the spyware upon booting up.
7 hours later... all clean!!


Active Member
spyware! I wanna be a spy!
Just kidding...sometimes people are stupid, if it ain't broke, don't install it.


Active Member
or old :)
actually, this was a pretty smart spyware!
it gives a microsoft like warning, saying that it detected spyware on your system, and to click here to download the program to get rid of it.
the program that comes up is XP Security Center.


Active Member
Yeah, viruses are now really good now and with the internet being relatively new concept, it kinda scares you to think about how good they will be in the future...I just hope that scanners and detectors keep up with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I run 3 different spy detectors every night and they all seem to clear stuff that the others don't.
and... you really shouldn't be visiting all those p.rn sites...


I had the same thing on my computer, but I knew not to download the "anti-spyware." I ran ad aware SE personal and it took care of it though. I can definitely see how she was fooled though, because it looks pretty authentic.


Active Member
lol nice.
Assuming she's running XP a popup for adware/spyware isn't available. So that would be a definate red flag - vista has something but XP doesn't.
You can only do so much as an administrator though, no matter what users will find ways to break things. Did you try scanning through your network from another computer? Just to save you some time. And within 7 hours time you may have been able to rebuilt the system twice assuming you have the software :p


Active Member
Yeah, my problem is that because I develop online applications for my customers, I can't have any blockers turned on, otherwise I could not be test the main applications. I also am online for about 16 hours a day and when bored, I surf... power surffer hehehe.


Active Member
Spybot is great, has gotten great reviews from PC mag and many of the publications (nerd books for A+) that i've read. Problem is the user in this instance, AND that Spybot will not work with some antivirus programs.
Best free spyware software i've found.


Active Member
+1 on Spybot but I also use Webroot SpySweeper. I just ripped Symantic off my PC. Biggest waste of resources I've ever seen in a program. Put the free version of AVG back on. Never had any issues with it.

ledzep fan

Active Member
I have been running into a problem also. Our old antivirus expired, so we went out and bought a new one. Loaded it onto our computer, unistalled old antivirus, ect, ect,...After a week, our computer has viruses, and spyware. Ran it yesterday and it found 40 spyware programs. Ughh..still running it today.
Then on our laptop, it was filled with viruses and spyware. It even changed the background of the computer to an ad-clicker. Loaded the new anti virus and found 72 spyware programs and 120 viruses including 3 Trojans...I'm still surprised the computer is working...And the funny thing is, I have no idea where it all came from!!


What's wrong with you people? Haven't you ever heard of Mac? Or Apple?
Cause I haven't heard of any of the stuff your talking about. I don't even know what a systray or spyware is!


wait till you get the downloader trojan it takes much much much more to remove it hides in the regestery, boot up, memory, and DLLs its crazy just like what you said find it get rid of it and 2 days later your computer is filled up with spyware again. this particular trojan is designed to find other malware,spyware, and trojans and download them to your computer. really a tuff one to get rid off.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
What's wrong with you people? Haven't you ever heard of Mac? Or Apple?
Cause I haven't heard of any of the stuff your talking about. I don't even know what a systray or spyware is!

LOl dont worry the way its going with these programers it wont be long before they start getting to the mac now that have become more popular


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
LOl dont worry the way its going with these programers it wont be long before they start getting to the mac now that have become more popular
Use linux, problem solved.