i have 2 48" 50/50 bulbs on a 90g fowlr - is there something else i should have to


Active Member
Those standard lights aren't going to bring out their colors good. PC's do well if you aren't looking to go reef. I LOVE my VHO Actinics with MH's though....I'll see what these 250w MH XM-20ks would do for me, they looked good in a local reefer's tank, it brings out their colors good!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by 3bavboys
fowlr - all glass aquarium double strip - size 8 bulbs, i think
leave or upgrade ?
It's really up to you on how you want it to look, with FOWLR you don't really need to upgrade that lighting. But better lighting would make your tank look better though! :happyfish


Could someone post some pics of thier light system? I am still getting confused
. The more I read, the more I get lost. I have a 80 gal tank in which I wil be putting 70 lbs of LR on Saturday. Right not I have a cheap 34w Aquamarine light in there. People talk anout all these bulbs but I would like to see what they are talking about. My goal is have a FOWLR that I would like to the best chance of success and be able to have somewhat of range of fish and inverts.
Sorry if this doesnt make any sense. :notsure:


FOWLR means only fish and live rock. To have inverts you will have a fish selection that would be mostly reef safe. I would buy Power Compact lighting or Metal Halide lighting. Look up on google.com or go to www.smmas.org which is a club site where there is a link (under Club Sponsors, on the left hand side after you scroll down) to a place that will show you what each are. You can do a pretty good soft coral reef with either of these systems and have both fish and coral. The other system is VHOs which i do not first hand experience with but some I have seen have corals living with just VHOs.